
From the streets of Pittsburgh to the track of Berlin.

From the streets of Pittsburgh to the track of Berlin oder auch “Vom Fahrradkurier zur alten Disziplin des Steherrennens”. Zak Kovalcik ist diesen Weg gegangen und wurde mit der Kamera begleitet. Herausgekommen ist ein wirklich interessantes Video, das ihr unten sehen könnt.

From the streets of Pittsburgh to the track of Berlin oder auch „Vom Fahrradkurier zur alten Disziplin des Steherrennens„. Zak Kovalcik ist diesen Weg gegangen und wurde mit der Kamera begleitet. Herausgekommen ist ein wirklich interessantes Video, das ihr unten sehen könnt.

They needed someone that was both fast enough to keep up behind the motorbike and crazy enough to even try it…

Zak’s racing career began as a courier in Pittsburgh, competing in local courier races, twice winning the North American Cycle Courier “Track King” title. He segued into racing on the velodrome and worked his way through the ranks quickly.
2011 saw Zak winning the Alpenrose Velodrome Challenge points race, the biggest race of the year at his home track, defeating arch rival Jame Carney. At the Fixed Gear Classic in Blaine, MN, Zak and long time madison partner Dan Harm won the madison, competing against long time Six Day pro Franco Marvulli.
Zak still works occasionally as a courier, but his main focus is on moving up to the next level in his racing career. His dream until a year ago? Racing pro six days in Europe. Then in 2013 the all-but-forgotten art of steher racing had a little yankee flavour added during the 102nd Berlin Six Day when reining US omnium champion Zak Kovalcik competed in the high-speed niche event.


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