
Go Out And Ride

Nebel, Regen… Novemberwetter kann trotzdem Spaß machen! Go out and ride!

In November the weather conditions in Slovenia start to get under your skin. The days get shorter and colder, and the sun hides behind the clouds most of the time. Nevertheless this shouldn’t stop you from doing what you love most, and that’s riding your bike. Call a few like minded friends and start riding, you don’t need to know where you’re headed, you’re in for a good time!

This is just what we did one foggy Sunday morning, call up some friends and went for a ride. The road that we decided to take was one that led to an abandoned ski depot near our hometown. It’s a sad place now, full of childhood memories, but the forest and the road stayed the same, some things never change…and that’s a good thing.



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